date : 30 mac 2010
time : 1200-1734
venue : MID
walao i was wake up late around 10.30a.m...got reunion today at
midvalley..(..y always midvalley? ><") nvm..me, den, n jibek went together using ktm komuter from kepong sentral..luckily my mom sent us to the station or else we need to pay for a taxi... i dun care so much if we were late but then..we arrived mid around 12.10pm like dat..still no ppl kumpul there..except hadi ismail n aina sukarno..so we went jalan2 first..went to mph..then zara...ZARA?...haha..although i dun like to go boutique but i jus followed den n jibek wherever they went to... so shocked coz i saw fatin n yuna when i went out from toilet dat time..she going to mph..then i met her at mph after some sms wit her...she kinda diffrent dat time n shy..dunno y but nvm..i have to go for the reunion..after bye to fatin n her fren..then we kumpul.. damn faliq n other admin was late bcoz of traffic jam..but not so late..so reunion cont without prob... bcoz of late..all of us wan to go eat first..so we went to food junction upstair..went up there..not all ppl eat..some ony..i was. freaking damn hungry dat time so i bought nasi ayam n shared wit den n jibek..they oso didnt eat dat day.. after ate...the reunion cont wit a game..its like explorace la.. i team 3 wit 5 boy n 4 girl..if i remmber...alif, wan, aqil, izan, ainin, farah, aina i tink..,..n forgot ady...all of us start wit question 1 n i tink it was "siapa yang bogel..bla bla bla.."...definitely we know the answer lo..but nvm..proceed to next admin.. lots of question was berkait wit our school dat time..makcik peah la, someone crush wit someone, maheswari la...haha..kinda funny n memorable..so..great job for the admin lo!! but disadvantage for dis game..have to walk continuously..tired lo...but nvm..we enjoyed it!! after the game end...our team 3 didnt won..last team arrived at the end point was the winner..how come??...zzz...admin said dat they answer most question correctly..nvm then..haha last activity for the reunion was tangkap2 gambar n sign on manila kad... overall..it wss quite fun coz bout 30++ ppl came n gave cooperation for the reunion..thnks to admin eventhough anis was not join together dat time..pity her..haha had fun i was..
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